Our Aims
Aims & objectives
- To promote and develop the Training Partnership and secure a wide and varied membership.
- To engage with Initial Teaching Training – specifically ‘Schools Direct’ – increasing year on year the number of trainees.
- To review, monitor and evaluate the early employment of all trainees who undertake their training.
- To develop a ‘succession planning’ strategy and reduce the need for ‘re-advertisement’ for school leaders.
- To support schools in the alliance to improve on their Ofsted ratings.
- To support a rise in standards at significant key stages
- To work within the alliance to ‘narrow the gap’ between pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium and other children.
- To support schools in raising their Ofsted judgement for overall effectiveness.
- To support schools in raising their Ofsted judgement for the quality of leadership and management (Leadership Development strategy – EISG).
- To designate, train and deploy SLEs.
- To offer quality CPD/JPD opportunities.
- To support schools in ‘action’ research.